Audit Protection

Audit Protection Plan

You might or might not have received an IRS notices in the past, but it is absolutely not the best thing to have to deal with. 
Our firm understands your frustration, and have put together a varieties of plans that fit your specific needs.

Basic Plan

This will cover up to one notice.

Professionally review documentation.

Explain the notice and provide the best solution to address the notice. 

Resolve the tax issue by responding to the IRS and State related to the current year's tax return.

Complete Plan

This will cover up to three notices.

Professionally review documentation.

Explain the notices and provide the best solution to address the notices. 

Resolve the tax issue by responding to the IRS and State related to the current year's tax return. 

Platinum Plan

This will cover up to three notices.

Professionally review documentation.

Explain the notices and provide the best solution to address the notices. 

Resolve the tax issue by responding to the IRS and State related to the current year's tax return. 

Review wages and income transcripts for any potential penalty abatements for past tax years. 

3 hours of representation and defense of an IRS or state income tax audit.

Priority updates - drafted responses will be completed within three business days.


Complimentary - No additional charge

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30% additional fees to original invoice

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40% additional fees to original invoice

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50% additional fees to original invoice

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